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The Bullet: Buzzwords — There’s a time and a place

Written by Degen Hill Published on   2 mins read

Pitching is an easy concept but difficult to do well.

Dear Esteemed (potential) Investor,

Ever since I was 6 years old, I knew I was destined for greatness. And today, you have a chance to make my childhood dream come true. I’m thrilled to offer you the opportunity to invest in our game-changing startup, which offers software as a system service, or as we like to call it, SOFT-a–s-s.

Powered by AI and built on the blockchain, SOFT-a–s-s is an environmentally-friendly, no-code technology solution for B2B, B2C, and B2B2C companies, as well as SMEs, NGOs, and Super PACs to conveniently and efficiently create, customize, and manage the internal software that powers their global data systems.

Over the past three months, our completely remote team has been hard at work developing our revolutionary, proprietary, and completely customizable code that will serve companies around the world. SOFT-a–s-s also integrates Web3 analytics, NFTs, and machine learning to provide a one-stop solution for every need within the global software market, both on-chain and off-chain.

We’re looking for a $1 million investment at a valuation of $5 billion. SOFT-a–s-s is doing for software what Apple did for smartphones, and we look forward to having you along for this transformative journey.

Attached, please find SOFT-a–s-s’ 55-page deck for your consideration.

Your Future Investee,


CEO, Hustler, Dreampreneur, 

Did we lose you somewhere around “B2B2C”? You’re not alone. We almost fell asleep writing this ourselves.

Let’s talk buzzwords. They’re great for SEO purposes, but not so much for investor pitches.

Here’s what you should do instead to make that pitch deck instantly better.

  1. Sell the benefits, not the features. People don’t buy a Rolls-Royce; they’re buying the prestige that comes with it. Good copy persuades people to buy your product or invest in you by showing them how your product can transform lives. Not sure what to write? Invest in a copywriter.
  1. Kill the buzz(words). Buzzwords might sound snappy, but if investors can’t imagine what you’re saying, they won’t give you money. They’re overused and won’t help you stand out. Instead, use clear, descriptive words that create a vivid picture in users’ minds.
  1. Start with a problem or statement that your reader recognizes and can relate to. This is the hook that gets their attention off the bat, and makes them feel understood. If your readers don’t like the headline and intro, they will not continue to read the rest of your content.

As with any pitch, timing and opportunity are key factors, but there’s a lot a startup or company can do to maximize that opportunity, and it all starts with copywriting and the appropriate use of buzzwords. Good luck.

Pro-tip: Don’t make a 55-page pitch deck.

All opinions expressed in this piece are the writer’s own and do not represent the views of KrASIA. Questions, concerns, or fun facts can be sent to degen@kr-asia.com.


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